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Seriously ncneel sort out your upgrade process- you should take the upgrade information ONCE and update your validation server YOUR END.

I’ve just moved machines and after installing the base version, then service releases I must have had to enter my various CD keys 20 times in order to install Rhino 5 (upgraded from 4), Flamingo NXT 5 (upgraded from NXT, upgraded from FLamingo 2) and Bongo. Also as I have several upgraded modules to Rhino (having been a user for over a decade) the install process is a nightmare.

If I’m going to have to spend the time to manually setup each material myself I may as well ditch Flamingo altogether. The latest version has a pitiful handful of materials- to the point it’s neigh on useless. So I’ve just upgraded from NXT to NXT 5 WHERE HAVE ALL THE MATERIALS GONE?! The biggest reason I’ve stuck with Flamingo rather than digging into the more powerful, but also considerably more complicated options is that Flamingo has always offered such a comprehensive selection of materials.